Tuesday, October 14, 2008

From Jenna

Thank you a lot for sending those comments on my blog. 

Daddy: So Jenna, who would you vote for in the election if you could vote?

Jenna: Obama.

Daddy: Why would you vote for him?

Jenna: Because I think he's going to be a great president if he wins. 

Daddy: What issues are important to you?

Jenna: Enough money for the schools. Clean air. Air conditioners and heaters for schools. And lots of other stuff. Ok. That's all I want to say.


Kim said...

Hi Jenna. I'm glad that you're interested in the upcoming presidential elections. I like to hear your thoughts on who you will vote for.

Eileen said...

Good thinking, Jenna! Are you going to go to the polls with your mom when she votes?

Anonymous said...

I am very proud of your good citizenship and interest in the electing of the president! You have some very good issues that are important to a lot of people.

Unknown said...

Yes, we went to the voting place with my mom. It was fun.